Wednesday, February 8, 2012


                                Homeschooling Potty Mouths!

Today I was going through my flash cards for Joel and Jayben's letters and sounds...As we got to the letter B, Joel says" B...buh like balls" he then stands up and proceeds to reach down and says "like I have Bally ballies" with his hand on his crotch area. Then Jayben gets up and repeats "Bally ballies, Bally ballies..."

Fast forward a few minutes and we get to the letter N....yup he is like " in nuts! My Bally ballies are also my nuts!" as Jayben repeats what he is saying! Then we get to K and I explain how I remember the K sound by thinking of the sound a nut cracker makes while squeezing my fist and making the K sound.....Joel gets a freaked out look on his face and says "your not cracking my nuts" as he once again grabs his crotch area! Oh good Lord!!

I realize at this point I can never send my children to public school anymore! They would not be able to have such potty mouths in school! Once again this is the effect my teenagers have had on them from spending too much time with them. It is also what happens when you have sooo many kids you start to realize your child saying Bally ballies is not the end of the world!

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